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Mobile Device: Business talk at Oxford Royale's Business Summer School 2024/2025

Oxford Royale 2025

Business Summer School

Be inspired by the best universities in the world as you take your first steps into the world of business

Business Summer School

Business Summer School

Our Business summer programmes are available at all of our campuses in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Yale and Berkeley. All of these locations are hubs of world innovation and entrepreneurship, and our inspiring faculty and motivational guest speakers will develop your child’s own skills while they live, sleep, and dine in these historic locations.

For students aged 13 to 15, our programmes are a first foray into the world of business, laying out foundational principles through seminars, workshops, and group projects. We offer an excellent pathway for your child to explore their interest in a future in business.

For students aged 16 to 18, the programme will provide them with the depth of knowledge needed for a competitive application, as well as the entrepreneurial mindset needed to take the first steps towards founding their own business.

Location UK & US
For Ages 13-18
Duration 2 weeks
Course Dates
  • 6th Jul to 19th Jul
  • 20th Jul to 2nd Aug
  • 3rd Aug to 16th Aug
Enrol Today

Business Summer School for Ages 16-18

Teenagers aged 16-18 are close to entering the world of business, whether through the pursuit of a university degree or the undertaking of an entrepreneurial endeavour. Our programmes are expertly crafted to provide a deep understanding of the inner workings of organisations and start-up culture, giving them all the tools to thrive as well-informed young professionals.

We pride ourselves on our status as the world’s most international summer school, having welcomed students from over 175 countries since our foundation in 2005. This represents an invaluable opportunity for aspiring businesspeople and entrepreneurs: through early access to a global network of like-minded peers, students are not only exposed to global perspectives, but also have a chance to identify potential future collaborators. Who knows where a classroom discussion or a casual conversation at dinner may take you?

Students aged 16-18 will benefit from a rigorous and thoroughly contemporary course, encompassing a well-considered balance of theoretical and practical learning. They will develop a profound understanding of business and entrepreneurship by:

– Gaining a comprehensive overview of how market trends, emerging technologies, and socio-cultural influences affect businesses

– Exploring the concept of investment and its impact on global economics across different sectors

– Analysing real-world case studies to glean deep insights into the mechanisms of commercial success and failure

– Collaborating on hands-on projects to map out actionable strategies

– Drawing inspiration from a dynamic range of workshops, seminars, and talks from business leaders and experts

A holistic education nurtures an individual’s ability to coexist and cooperate effectively with other people, regardless of the situation or professional context they might find themselves in. Our programmes help students develop crucial ‘soft’ skills to thrive across the board through:

– A wide range of extracurricular activities, giving them the opportunity to network with peers and implement problem-solving in real word scenarios

– A debating and public speaking society, to improve their confidence in addressing an audience

– Helping students master time management and embrace accountability through the introduction of independent study

– Workshops and masterclasses targeting career pathways and the competitive university application process

Our courses go beyond the classroom, helping students to develop essential work and life skills so as to be able to hit the ground running upon starting their careers. Attendees will cultivate the adaptability to secure future success by:

– Partaking in opportunities to hone presentation skills, such as seminars and the end-of-course challenge and exhibition days

– Developing crucial interpersonal skills such as active listening and negotiation through classroom collaboration

– Building up their professional portfolios by working on industry-grade projects, such as developing a business plan and marketing strategy

– Networking with fellow students, tutors, and leading minds across diverse industries

For older teenagers, the pressure is on as they face formative examinations and the university applications process. We recognise the need for restorative down-time, and have crafted our courses to offer a harmonious life-work balance, with plenty of time to rest and relax outside of the classroom. Students can:

– Enjoy cultural excursions, including walking tours of their university town and daytrips to nearby cities such as London and New York

– Partake in a wide range of sporting activities, designed to suit everyone, from the beginner to the seasoned athlete

– Relax on our beautiful campus grounds, in aesthetic and comfortable gardens, common rooms, and dining halls

– Explore local culture, trying out new cuisine, going to the cinema, or exploring bustling commercial centres nearby

Personality drives business. This module will provide students with an overview of different leadership styles, as well as the space to introspect on which elements of their own character they might draw upon in order to grow as highly effective leaders. They will examine real-world case studies of the impact of these different strokes upon organisations, as well as the crucial role of cultural differences in international business and decision-making processes.

It is impossible to understate how the lay of the land has changed over the past few decades. Students will explore the impact of burgeoning technologies such as AI upon the future of enterprise, influencer marketing in the digital age, and the changes wrought upon investment – and, as a consequence, the global economy – by the vicissitudes of Covid-19 and the advent of Fintech.

Our practical challenges represent an opportunity for students to put into practice all they have learned over the course of the two weeks, working as a team to present an industry-standard project to an audience of peers and professionals. Attendees will develop an accurate, sophisticated business plan and marketing strategy for a start-up in an industry of their choosing. This is a valuable addition to students’ professional portfolio, to be drawn upon in applications and interview scenarios.

Students will enjoy stepping back from their studies after a day’s hard work and going on culturally enriching excursions around their campus and its surrounding city, including walking tours, cinema trips, and outdoor pursuits. Over the mid-programme weekend, students will go to a nearby city, such as London, Bath, or New York, to imbibe quintessential British or North American culture. In previous years, this has involved trips to the West End, and urban landmarks such as the London Eye and the Natural History Museum.

Students at the world’s leading universities know how to balance hard work and play. Attendees of our Business Summer Programme will be able to let their hair down and celebrate their hard work at two show-stopping events over the course of the summer school: a mid-programme celebration, and a final formal graduation followed by a party at an illustrious venue.

Full timetable

To download a full sample timetable of our programme in Oxford, click here.

Typical Day

A typical weekday on our Business Summer School for ages 16 to 18 looks like this:

  • 8AM: Students wake up for breakfast on campus before heading to lessons
  • 9AM: Morning lessons, with two short breaks
  • 1PM: Lunch break for students to buy food and explore the city with friends
  • 2PM: Afternoon lessons
  • 3:30PM: Business academic workshop to develop key skills, or cultural activities such as punting
  • 6PM: Dinner on campus
  • 7PM: Study support sessions
  • 8PM: Public Speaking and Debate Society, Shaping your Future Seminar Series
  • 9PM: Social activities such as quiz nights, movie nights or karaoke
  • 10:30PM: Curfew

Week 1

The week kicks off with an introduction to enterprise and entrepreneurs, innovation and invention. Seminars cover topics such as ownership structures, finance and fundraising, market research, business planning, and risk analysis. Further modules explore strategy and tactics. In the evening, students take part in study focus groups, social and sporting activities, debating and public speaking and seminars on what steps to take to ensure their future success. The first week finishes with a group trip to explore their local cities.

Week 2

The second week starts with a focus on sustaining a business with seminars on cash flow and break-even, budgeting and investments, recruitment, operations, and leadership. Students will take part in academic and practical workshops, followed by the opportunity to present and pitch their new business idea. Evenings will continue to focus on study support, social and sporting activities, and the headline address – an engaging talk given by one of our business leaders. The week culminates in the debate grand final and the famous Oxford graduation.

On offer at these campuses

Business Summer School for 13-15-Year-Olds

As students aged 13-15 begin to develop a sense of their life’s ambitions, there is no better time for them to gain early insight into the inner workings of business and entrepreneurship.

As the world’s most international summer school, we design courses that have helped students of over 175 nationalities form networks of lifelong friends from all over the world. Students will have the opportunity to learn from a diverse range of perspectives, cultivating essential interpersonal skills and cultural understanding from an early age.

Our Business Summer Schools take young teenagers above and beyond the school curricula, instilling in them an independence of mind that will give them the edge in their academic endeavours. Attendees will: 

– Gain a sound understanding of the role of enterprise, entrepreneurship and innovation

– Study principles of marketing and human resource management

– Examine how the micro- and macro-environment impacts upon various sectors in the business world

– Benefit from a series of talks and workshops from academic experts and business leaders

– Implement the rubric to develop their own business plan or marketing strategy

A holistic approach to education goes beyond the classroom, nurturing young people’s ability to cooperate with others and navigate conflict across a range of settings. Our programmes are tailored to help young people:

– Develop better interpersonal skills through socialising with diverse peers

– Grow confidence in public speaking and presentation skills through debating opportunities

– Begin to take responsibility for their schedules and set personal goals by undertaking independent study

– Collaborate in a team environment to practise a fair division of tasks 

– Hone active listening skills through attending seminars and talks

Our Business Summer School for 13-15-year-olds offers not only a flavour of what it would be like to study business at university, but also hands-on experience of the world of work. As develop a solid foundation in business studies, they will:

– Begin to develop a portfolio by working on strategic projects representative of real-world business planning

– Learn essential business skills such as pitching, presenting effectively, and campaign planning

– Learn from the experience of others through analysing case studies and hearing from inspirational tutors and guest speakers

Although the academic component of an Oxford Royale Summer School is built to be intellectually challenging, students will enjoy plenty of time to relax and get to know their newfound friends. Our action-packed extracurricular calendar includes:

– A range of sporting activities designed to suit everyone, from the budding athlete to the complete beginner

– Thrilling cultural excursions both to local landmarks and bustling nearby cities

– Engagement with arts and culture, from film and theatre to galleries and museums

– Immersive team building activities like Capture the Flag

– Opportunities to showcase musical skill and hobbies, such as karaoke nights and talent shows

Guided by expert tutors, students will master the basic principles of business studies. They’ll go from examining theoretical overviews of the role of business in society, to gaining the practical knowledge that will allow them to effectively execute stakeholder analyses, set clear aims and objectives for a real or hypothetical company, and produce an accurate business plan for a start-up in an industry of their choosing.

Students will learn about the impact of external factors on a business’s functioning, be these widespread socio-economic trends or more localised issues. In keeping with the contemporary landscape, students will study the changes brought about by processes such as globalisation and ecological crises, learning about which factors it is necessary to consider in order to ensure that one’s business is sustainable in the long run.

Students will have the opportunity to showcase their hobbies and personal projects in an informal talent show. Whether you sing, play an instrument, write poetry, or are a budding stand-up comedian, this is a fantastic opportunity to unleash your creativity alongside your new friends.

Students will enjoy stepping back from their studies after a day’s hard work and going on culturally enriching excursions around their campus and its surrounding city, including walking tours, cinema trips, and outdoor pursuits. Over the weekend, students will go to a nearby metropolitan hub, such as London or New York, to imbibe quintessential British and American culture. In previous years, this has involved trips to the West End, and urban landmarks such as the London Eye and the Natural History Museum.

Full Timetable

Click here to download a full sample timetable of our programme in Yale.

Typical Day

A typical weekday on our Business Summer School for ages 13-15 looks like this:

  • 8AM: Students wake up for breakfast on campus before heading to lessons
  • 9AM: Morning lessons, with two short breaks
  • 1PM: Lunch break for students to eat on campus, and some free time to relax
  • 2PM: Afternoon lessons
  • 3:30PM: Business academic workshop to develop key skills, activities such as football or arts and crafts, and study support
  • 6PM: Dinner on campus
  • 7PM: Public Speaking and Debate Society
  • 8PM: Social activities such as quiz nights, movie nights or karaoke
  • 10PM: Curfew

Week 1

Students start the week gaining an understanding of the purpose of businesses, entrepreneurship and ideation to solve problems. Further lessons explore finance, business planning, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and strategy. Students will also learn about types of ownership, sources of finance and work with their fellow students on business projects. Their evenings are a mix of study support, debating, public speaking and social and sporting activities. The first week culminates with the Oxford Royale Olympics and guided cultural tour.

Week 2

The second week allows students to build on their newly acquired knowledge and put it into practice. As well as practical and academic workshops, students will develop their own business ideas to pitch at the end of the week. They will also look more closely at the operations side of business, including HR and recruitment, and explore the global markets. Evenings continue to offer social and sporting activities, combined with study groups and debating competitions. The week finishes with the Oxford Royale Challenge, Debate Grand Final and the famous Oxford Graduation.

On offer at these campuses

How Our Students Learn Business

Escape ordinary classroom teaching and learn through interactive and immersive lessons.


Hands-on classes designed to help students learn through practical application.


An interactive forum with an expert in the field, giving students valuable insights into related and new topics.

Guest Speakers

Successful and famous guest speakers offer students the chance to pose their most important questions.


Essential for honing students' reasoning abilities and public speaking skills.

Interactive Lectures

Dynamic lectures given by passionate teachers packed with facts and viewpoints to engage the audience.

Group Projects

An opportunity to work closely with, and learn from, different perspectives.


Working in pairs and small groups, students have plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate.

Challenge Days

Apply the skills and knowledge gained throughout your two-week programme in an immersive full day simulation event.

Discover Business with Oxford Royale

Explore Business on Campus at the World's Top Universities

Our Business Summer School is delivered at a select group of academic institutions, all of which have a long and distinguished tradition of excellence. While each of the iconic university towns boasts its own unique features, from the picturesque cloisters of Oxford and Cambridge to the views of rugged coastline in New Haven, they have in common an atmosphere of intellectual vigour and innovation. As students get a flavour for undergraduate life in these prestigious settings, their attendance is rewarded with the vital spark of inspiration to make their ambitions reality.

Get Ahead of the Curve in Business

Business is a constantly evolving landscape, and educators preparing future professionals for success must keep a pace with a rate of change propelled by rapid technological advances. As a consequence, our expertly-designed courses are reviewed with each year, so that the foundational knowledge we deliver to our students is adapted to reflect current industry changes. Whether we are examining the impact of social media use on marketing, or tracking how broader socio-economic trends affect entrepreneurs, it is our mission to ensure that our students have the up-to-date information they need to thrive in modern enterprise.

Embark on Your Journey to Success

Above and beyond our superb subject tuition, students have access to a host of facilities to help kick off their careers in business. Skills workshops and masterclasses, talks from leading lights in the industry, and ample networking opportunities in tandem with the course content all contribute to the development of a skill-set in high demand among academics and employers alike: excellent interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, adaptability, and creative thinking. Every path is different, but whatever theirs may be, our alumni graduate with the lifelong connections and tools to become the change-makers of the tomorrow. 

Our Brochures

Find out more about our inspirational venues, award winning academic programmes, and the life changing impact our summer schools can have.

Download Brochure

“I have learned so much about how business actually works. I know more about finance, marketing, different strategies for marketing and how to research new elements. The teachers are so helpful, and I really appreciate their help to learn more about the subject.”

Sasha, Ukraine

Oxford Summer School - Business student testimonial
“The quality of the teaching is great, and it is fun to learn while you are making new friends. It gives you the specifics, and it gives you the teaching for what you need to know when it comes to business academics. Definitely come here if you want to learn about business and put a foot forward. The programme has changed my mind about the subject and I am extremely interested in pursuing it now.”

Nadir, Venezuela

“I didn’t know a lot about business before I came here, so coming to a class like this has taught me so much. Here we talk and give our own takes instead of just being told what to do, and I have learned a lot more than at regular school, gaining perspectives from people from all over the world.”

Benjamin, United States of America


We have a 4.8 rating based on 868 reviews on Reviews.io.
Quotation mark


I had an absolutely incredible time doing Summer school with Oxford Royale Academy! I learnt new things about myself and the world around me, and would definitely recommend to others!

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I loved the Oxford Royal program, I met many people with bright personalities and unique minds, and I also learned a lot from the teachers, campus staff etc. You will enjoy it!

Quotation mark


Oxford Royals Academy made my summer amazing! I learned many new things and I met people from all over the world that I know I can call true friends. I definitely recommend ORA to anyone who wants to make unforgettable memories!

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The twelve days I spent in Oxford Summer School were very happy, the teachers were very kind and professional, and the curriculum was very reasonable, which expanded my knowledge. All the courses mean a lot to me and I hope I can come back next summer.

Quotation mark


The oxford royale academy was definitely the highlight of my summer. I have not only learnt more about the course I have chosen, but I've also met a lot of new friends, friendly staff and helpful teachers from different cultures all in the same campus and had a lot of unforgettable memories.

Quotation mark


Oxford Royale was a great expreince. It was amazing to get to know people all over the globe and form life long relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you have decided which programme you would like to attend, and where you would like to study, you can book online using our secure booking system. You will need the details of the student and of the person paying the bill, the name of the programme or programmes you would like to study, and a credit or debit card to pay the relevant enrolment fee.

We are happy to accept enrolment fee payments via a number of other, non-card payment methods (including domestic and international bank transfer), thanks to our partnership with education payment specialists, Flywire. If you would prefer to pay your enrolment fee payment by bank transfer or another method, please contact our Admissions team who will be able to assist you.

Once your application has been submitted, your enrolment fee has been received by us and your booking processed by our system or our team, you will be sent an email confirming your place. You will also receive a login to the Oxford Royale Portal, which you will use to provide us with important additional information about you as your time with us approaches.

A Welcome Pack is available to download from the Oxford Royale Portal.

If at any time you would like to discuss your booking with a member of our award-winning Customer Service team, please feel free to contact us.

All enrolments require an enrolment fee to secure the booking. For Summer 2025, enrolment fee payments are structured as follows:

  • Summer Schools for ages 13-18 (University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London and the University of California, Berkeley and Yale University) – £1295 GBP for each 2-week session

You may either pay the full programme fee when you book your place, or pay the enrolment fee amount and then the balance at a later date.

The balance clearance is required no later than 90 days before the start date of the programme. Where the student is booking less than 90 days before the start date, the course fees must be covered in full. We appreciate that, with the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, people may require additional flexibility to these terms, and we are doing our best to accommodate that – please contact us if you have concerns regarding making the balance payment in line with the 90-day deadline.

Enrolments received via our online application form will require a debit or credit card payment of at least the enrolment fee amount. If you would like to enrol and make your enrolment fee payment via Bank Transfer or another method, we are happy to facilitate this. Please contact our Admissions team to arrange this.

Balance payments for existing enrolments can be made via a number of methods, including domestic and international bank transfer, credit or debit card, as well as local payment options; please log in to the Oxford Royale Portal and click on the ‘Pay Now’ button on your booking details.

All programme fees include the following:

  • Classes and tuition
  • Study files/materials
  • Guest lectures by academic speakers
  • Personalised academic reports and graduation certificate
  • Accommodation at a top university
  • Meals in the dining hall of your college, every day of your programme (Meals provided are typically as follows: breakfast, lunch and dinner for ages 13-15; breakfast and dinner for ages 16-18)
  • Free WiFi (subject to availability)
  • A wide selection of afternoon and evening activities
  • Coach excursions (kindly note that excursions can be to local attractions or to sites further afield)
  • Welcome and graduation events
  • A multitude of extras, including an Oxford Royale notebook and branded clothing

If you wish to change your programme or study options (including dates), please do not hesitate to contact us. However, changes to programmes are always subject to availability. For this reason, it may be more difficult for us to accommodate any changes requested less than 60 days before the programme start date.

Oxford Royale’s terms and conditions for refunds are as follows:

Any cancellation must be received in writing and can only be made on the following terms:

  • No refund of enrolment fee will be made under any circumstances once the two-week cooling-off period has concluded;
  • For cancellations before your course start date, the remainder of the course fees excluding the enrolment fee amount will be proportionally refunded as per the table below:
Period Before Start Date Total Refunded
120+ days 100%
90-119 days 50%
45-89 days 10%
0-44 days 0%

Cancellations made after the commencement date of the course will not receive any refund.

Our English language requirements are as follows:

  • B1 for EFL programmes
  • C1 or IELTS level 6.5 or higher for all academic programmes

Students who have studied at an English speaking school for two or more years are exempt from English requirements.

It is certainly possible to take more than one programme and combine a variety of study programmes. You can simply book onto two different programmes.

Students staying for two consecutive sessions will be provided with accommodation for the Saturday night, and their campus will provide supervised activities between their first session ending and second session starting. Should you have any queries about how to take more than one course please do not hesitate to contact us.

All our programmes take place in a secure environment. Our students are supervised 24 hours a day by campus staff. All students must check-in regularly during the day: at roll-call at breakfast; at their morning classes; in the afternoon for lessons, workshops or activities; at dinner and in the evening before curfew. All campuses have a curfew.

Each campus office has its own safe where students may deposit items of value such as passports, travel documents, bank cards etc.

All campuses have residential staff who can be contacted 24 hours a day.

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