Applications now open for ORA’s SAT Preparation course!

We are excited to inform you that applications for ORA’s SAT Preparation course are now open!
The SAT Preparation course is designed to help students who are getting ready to sit their SAT exams, coaching them in Math, Reading, Writing as well as general SAT exam preparation and essay-writing skills. The course is designed to fit to the new SAT format for 2016. Students will be able to choose a specialism of either Math or Reading & Writing to focus their studies on and improve their grades.
SAT Preparation courses will be held in the stunning Balliol College, in the heart of Oxford City Centre.
For more information about the course, click here, or watch the video below for an insight in SAT Preparation students’ experiences last summer.

Are you interested in enrolling and improving your SAT grades? Click here to view and book your course for summer 2016 ➙