Oxford Royale’s 2015 #ORASELFIE Competition Winner

When we announced that the #ORASELFIE competition would be coming back for our 2015 summer school, we never expected so many exceptional entries.
It was very hard to choose from the wide range of selfies we received. Students took every opportunity possible to get a great selfie, and you can browse #ORASELFIE on Instagram to see the brilliant selection of entries we received. Parties, punting, musicals and excursions all featured strongly in this year’s entries, though there were a few wilder inclusions as well, with students taking selfies with owls, goats, ducks and even a lemur.
Our winner this year impressed us with the creativity and flair of her selfie: a big congratulations to Emma, who wins an iPad Air 2 and our congratulations.

And if looking through the selfies has made you eager to come back to ORA next year, it isn’t too early to book – browse our courses now ➙