New Spaces Added to Introduction to Leadership (13-15)

Exciting news! Due to increasing popularity, we have added an extra Introduction to Leadership class to ORA’s 2016 Summer School.

IntroLeadershipThe extra class will run from 3rd-16th July at ORA’s Jowett Walk campus, giving more 13-15 year olds a chance to experience this exciting course. On the Introduction to Leadership course, ambitious students can learn everything they need to know in order to be a successful leader in the modern international community. The course covers key concepts in effective leadership, using interactive learning methods and group projects. Students will also develop skills such as public speaking, negotiation and confidence – all important traits of a good leader.

The Introduction to Leadership course also includes a fun filled schedule outside the classroom. The programme includes 2 cultural excursions, 2 fabulous parties, a range of afternoon activities and workshops, and a graduation ceremony.

For older students, the Global Leadership Programme is also available for ages 16-18.

To read more about the Introduction to Leadership course and to apply, click here ➙