Meet the Scholars: Tehreem


A girl stands in front of the sea, smiling.
Tehreem sounds enthusiastic!

“With every tick of the clock my heart beat was getting faster and faster. Waiting for the results was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do in life.  I was checking my email every other minute when finally, I received one from ‘Oxford Royale Summer Schools.’
I wasn’t even able to read it properly with teary eyes but the words “I am delighted to inform you that you have been awarded a full 2 week scholarship to Oxford Royale Summer Schools 2018…..” said it all. I have never been this happy in my entire life, the feeling is unmeasurable. Studying at Oxford has been a lifelong dream of mine and finally having it fulfilled is my life’s greatest achievement. I am certain that this opportunity will benefit me a lot and help to polish my pathway in fulfilling the rest of my dreams and achieving my goals. Also, this will be a great head start for my future career and will help to make me learn more about myself.
I, therefore, cannot wait to start my summer program and be at Oxford. Hope this experience is one that I will never forget. OH MY GOD!!! IM SOOOOO HAPPY!!! CANNOT CONTROL MY HAPPINESS!!”
We look forward to welcoming Tehreem this summer.