Meet our 2016 Scholars – Part Three

Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing you to our 25 scholarship recipients for 2016, and their reactions when they found out they were coming to ORA this summer!

Fatima F, Pakistan

Fatima F pic
“I believe it may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to visit a prestigious city and nourish myself intellectually with the social and academic exposure it offers. Acquiring this scholarship has allowed me to take a step towards becoming the person who I’ve aspired to be all my life. I understand that this investment is a long term investment by the ORA and I owe it to the Academy to become a productive member of this global community and develop a mindset in me that drives me to do my part in evolving the community at large.”


Mohammed Samiul, United Kingdom

Mohammed Samiul pic - cropped

Such a grand opportunity has filled me with joy and a sense of duty. A duty to make the best use of this scholarship. A duty to enhance the ORA community. A duty to reciprocate the help ORA has granted me. By accepting this scholarship, I give an assurance to do these things. As I have applied to do the Medical Preparation course, I hope to absorb and apply the knowledge made available to me on the summer camp in the hopes that I become the best doctor I can be at the best university I can apply to. I further hope to gain a sense of companionship with my fellow summer camp attendees for mutual benefit and as an act to preserve the community values.

Wafa, Pakistan


“Now that I have granted the honour of a full scholarship, I intend to make the best of it. This will be a memorable experience for me as I plan on making everlasting friendships with students from all around the globe. This program will be a golden ticket for me to explore the glorious United Kingdom and to get to know its history; I am fascinated by English culture. Moreover, The class sessions with remarkable, experienced teachers will help me broaden my horizons, polish my views and ideas and developmy knowledge which will be of great value to me in the future. ”

Ruqayyah, UK

Ruqayyah pic

I am sincerely honoured to have received such an esteemed scholarship award allowing me to be a part of this highly regarded, international community encompassing so many cultivated minds. Additionally, I am exuberant to have the opportunity to work with renowned, well practiced teaching staff, who will provide me with an invaluable head start for my university applications. Thank you for offering me this unique experience and for supporting me throughout the process.”

Marcela, Brazil

Marcela pic

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can”. As applying to the Oxford Royale Summer Program, never would I have imagined that such honor would be granted to me. After receiving my acceptance, the lesson I learned is that anything is possible, depending on how hard you try. It was simply fantastic, no words could describe the way I felt. Staying in one of the best Universities ever, together with people from all different countries will be simply the best. I can’t wait.”

Click here to see the full list of successful candidates
You can already register your interest in our scholarships for 2017