Meet our 2016 Scholars – Part Four

Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing you to our 25 scholarship recipients for 2016, and their reactions when they found out they were coming to ORA this summer!

Fatima N, Pakistan

“Congratulations! You have been awarded a full ORA Scholarship!”, My eyes widened as I skimmed through the e-mail by Oxford Royale Summer Schools. I was delighted and astonished at the same time. I was honoured to tell people about this prestigious summer programme opportunity. Coupled with the pride, this award has given birth to new ideas and dreams inside my mind to climb up stairs of success on after another in future. Once again I’m thankful to all those who considered me worthy of this award and to those who braced me in this process. Oxford Royale Summer Schools here I come!”


Emily, United Kingdom

“I feel completely overwhelmed by having won this scholarship. When I applied, it seemed impossible that I would end up actually winning one, but I applied anyway, with the feeling of someone who has bought a single ticket in a raffle with thousands of entries. Now, knowing I will be studying at Oxford Royale Summer Schools for two weeks this summer, I am so glad I took the time to apply for this. I’m sure I will meet amazing people during the preparation program and receive invaluable insight into both medicine as a university subject and the UCAS application process. I can’t wait till the program, and will be counting the days!

Mohammed Ali, Pakistan

“I was shocked and excited to read the mail saying that I have received a scholarship! Truly, I didn’t think I had a chance to get anything out of thousand of brilliant and talented students. Meeting people from around the globe will enable me to make and understand friends from different areas in the world. I will gain valuable experience working with qualified professors and become better prepared for my future career. It will expand my perspective and develop a stronger sense of teamwork and leadership. The precious knowledge gained at the ORA will embellish my overall profile.”

Ezgi, Turkey

“When my phone buzzed, I expected the notification to be one of those ordinary messages that we get tons in a day but I understood that I was wrong the instant I read the title. To convince myself, I had to go through the mail at least three times. This chance will enable me to enlarge my vision about British culture and the UK. Being at Oxford Royale Summer Schools will influence my university choices and bring me one more step closer to my dreams.”

Shirin, Italy

“Earning this accolade has given me a boost, reminding me of how I can go above and beyond with my work. It has also increased my confidence in my own capabilities, and the assurance that my hard work does pay off. I look forward to gaining valuable learning experience and interacting with people from different parts of the globe. The academic workshops will help me get much needed exposure to the various aspects of medicine and consequently in understanding whether this is something I would like to pursue in the future. Overall, I am really happy and ecstatic for having won the full scholarship and couldn’t be more excited, looking forward to the course!”

Click here to see the full list of successful candidates
You can already register your interest in our scholarships for 2017